Archives of Contemporary India

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Speech No. 171
III. Prime Minister of India, 2004-2014
(B) Speeches, 2004-2014/(ii) Speeches, 2005
Statement in the Lok Sabha on the Volcker Committee Report (New Delhi)
Lock Sabha; Volcker Committee Report; Justice Pathak Inquiry Authority; Oil-for-Food; Iraq
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Speech No. 172
III. Prime Minister of India, 2004-2014
(B) Speeches, 2004-2014/(ii) Speeches, 2005
PM launches the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (New Delhi)
Urban Renewal Mission; Poverty alleviation; Urbanization; Voluntary Technical Corps; Property Rights; Sanitation
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Speech No. 173
III. Prime Minister of India, 2004-2014
(B) Speeches, 2004-2014/(ii) Speeches, 2005
Acceptance speech at the Moscow State University on receiving the degree of 'Professor Honoris Causa' (Moscow)
Moscow State University; Russia; Putin; Energy Dialogue
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Speech No. 174
III. Prime Minister of India, 2004-2014
(B) Speeches, 2004-2014/(ii) Speeches, 2005
Speech at the Indo-Russian business meet (Moscow)
Indo-Russian Business Meet; Moscow; Russia; Technological assistance; Space; Lines of credit; ONGC; GAIL; Gazprom; Rosneft; Economic partnership
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Speech No. 175
III. Prime Minister of India, 2004-2014
(B) Speeches, 2004-2014/(ii) Speeches, 2005
PM's opening remarks at the Joint Press Interaction with President Putin (Moscow)
Moscow; Russian; President Putin; WTO; Economic cooperation; Kudankulam Nuclear Power Station; Nuclear energy
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