Archives of Contemporary India

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Speeches by Him 31
III. Prime Minister of India, 2004-2014
(B) Speeches, 2004-2014/(iv) Speeches, 2007
Address at the Conference on Human Values, Spirituality, Integration and Peace (New Delhi)
Human values; Spirituality; Integration; Gandhi; Karan Singh; G.V.G. Krishnamurthy; Nirmala Deshpande
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Speeches by Him 32
III. Prime Minister of India, 2004-2014
(B) Speeches, 2004-2014/(iv) Speeches, 2007
PM's Address at the 14th SAARC Summit (New Delhi)
SAARC; Hamid Karzai; Afghanistan; SAFTA; Regional Food Bank; Terrorism
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Speeches by Him 33
III. Prime Minister of India, 2004-2014
(B) Speeches, 2004-2014/(iv) Speeches, 2007
PM's closing remarks at the 14th SAARC Summit (New Delhi)
SAARC Summit; Development Fund; Food Bank; Year of Good governance
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Speeches by Him 34
III. Prime Minister of India, 2004-2014
(B) Speeches, 2004-2014/(iv) Speeches, 2007
Address on the 22nd Raising Day of the Special Protection Group (New Delhi)
Special Protection Group; Raising Day; Mr. Wanchoo; SPG; Elite group
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Speeches by Him 35
III. Prime Minister of India, 2004-2014
(B) Speeches, 2004-2014/(iv) Speeches, 2007
Address at the Conference of Chief Ministers & Chief Justices of High Courts (New Delhi)
Chief Ministers; Chief Justices; High Courts; Judicial reforms; E-Governance; Criminal Justice System; Rule of law; Fast Track Courts
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