Archives of Contemporary India

Supported by HDFC LTD.
Speeches by Him 101
III. Prime Minister of India, 2004-2014
(B) Speeches, 2004-2014/(vii) Speeches, 2010
Remarks at the plenary session of the G20 Summit (Seoul)
G20; Seoul; IMF; Central Bank; Emerging market countries
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Speeches by Him 102
III. Prime Minister of India, 2004-2014
(B) Speeches, 2004-2014/(vii) Speeches, 2010
Address at the inauguration of the 150th year celebrations of the Institution of CAG of India (New Delhi)
CAG; Comptroller and Auditor General of India; Rural development; Panchayat Raj; Public Private Partnership
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Speeches by Him 103
III. Prime Minister of India, 2004-2014
(B) Speeches, 2004-2014/(vii) Speeches, 2010
Inaugural Address at the Indira Gandhi Conference 'An Indian Social Democracy from Political Vision to Practical Possibility' (New Delhi)
India Gandhi; Social democcracy; Directive Principles; Constitution; Minimum wage; Right to Education
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Speeches by Him 104
III. Prime Minister of India, 2004-2014
(B) Speeches, 2004-2014/(vii) Speeches, 2010
Address at the Hindustan Times Leadership Summit - 2010 (New Delhi)
Hindustan Times; Leadership Summit; Minorities; Innovation; Fiscal discipline; Macro-Economic
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Speeches by Him 105
III. Prime Minister of India, 2004-2014
(B) Speeches, 2004-2014/(vii) Speeches, 2010
Address at the 29th convocation of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning (Puttaparthi)
Puttaparthi; Convocation; Social Responsibility; Duty; Sathya Sai; Godavari; Tribal; Naxalism; Higher learning
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