Notes on Botany relating to information on large variety of plants, local flora and investigation of natural history of the India. Also includes bibliographical notes on available sources.
A.P. Hove; Buchanan; Botanical Garden; Ho+H2me Public Department; Barrackpore; Hooker's Flora Indica; Majumdar, G.P./Girjaprasanna, Vanaspati; Plants; Indian Treatises; Agriculture; Upavana Vinoda; James Anderson; R. Kyd; R. Scoll; Major General Hardwick; Indian Natural History; W.R. Dawson; L. Davis; W. Smith; B.M. Banks; L.A. Gilbert; Cannon Garland; Oriental Jones; W. Roxburgh; roger de Candole; N. Wallich; Horticulture; Victor Jacquemont; Sir Alexander Johnston; C.R. Markham; W.J. Hooker; Robert Peel; Bengal Government Records;