Archives of Contemporary India

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Name of the Collection Suresh Kohli
Folder/Categories V. Printed Material, 1972 - 2010
Sub-folder/Sub-category _
File No. /Acc. No. 3
Abstract 100 Years of Cinema in India' - a booklet
Author _
Recipient _
Keywords Cinema J.F. Madan Silent Shorts Homi Master V. Shantaram Himanshu Rai R. Prakasa Prabhat Talkie Hindi films Bimal Roy Dev Anand Navketan Raj Khosla Realism Lyricism Humanism B.R. Ishara Dasta Rajinder Singh Bedi
Start Date “Period From” 00/07/1995
End Date “Period To” 00/07/1995
Extent pp. 1 - 16
Item type/Format Printed
Language English
Remarks _
Source/Link Designed and Produced by the Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Government of India
Donor Chetana Kohli
Donation Date Februrary 2021
Custodian Ashoka Archives of Contemporary India, Ashoka University, Sonepat (India)
Right/Copyright Donor