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Speeches/Writings by Him 10

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Name of the Collection M. N.Deshpande Papers
Folder/Categories 3. Speeches Writings by him
Sub-folder/Sub-category -
File No. /Acc. No. 10
Abstract Some Observations on the Ivory Figure from Ter
Author M. N. Deshpande
Recipient -
Keywords Ancient; Indian Art; Ramlingappa; Lamture; Moti Chandra; Figure; Pompeii; Douglas; Barrett; Great Stupa; Sanchi; Deccan; Malwa; Amaravati; Satavahanas; Garment; Terracotta; Figurines; Karla; Kanheri; Ivory; Chauresi; Mound; Vidisha; Chaitya
Start Date “Period From” Oct-61
End Date “Period To” Oct-61
Extent pp. 3
Item type/Format Digitized
Language English
Remarks -
Source/Link Lalit Kala, No. 10
Donor Ashok Deshpande
Donation Date 26-11-2020
Custodian Ashoka Archives of Contemporary India, Sonepat (India)
Right/Copyright Donor