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Speeches/Writings by Him 29

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Name of the Collection M. N.Deshpande Papers
Folder/Categories 3. Speeches Writings by him
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File No. /Acc. No. 29
Abstract Cultural Relations between Afghanistan and India with special reference to Archaeological findings in the two countries - Text of a speech on Indo-Afghanistan Relations Through the Ages, held in Kabul University
Author M. N. Deshpande
Recipient -
Keywords Asia; Silk Route; Balkh; Indian; Gandhara; Kabul; Kandahar; Peshawar; Rgvedic; Hymns; Kubha; Jhelum; Chenab; Ravi; Sapt- Saindhava; Hapta Hindu; Brihat Samhita; Varaha Mihir; Avagana; Excavation; Darra-i-kur; Swat Valley; Neolithic; Harappa; Kalibangan; Lothal; Mahajanapadas; Alexander; Buddha; Sarnath; Mauryan; Indus; Sarnath; Rock Edicts; Lampaka; Pottery; Gangetic; Plains; Kushan; Buddhism; Central Asia; Mahayana; Kanishka; Peshawar; Ivory; Bronze; Amaravati; Lomas Rishi caves; Barabara Hills; Roman; Antiquities; Nagara; Vihara; Stupa; Taxila; Nalanda; Chhatravati; Harmika; Dhamma; Karuna; Abhaya; Hseun- Tsang; Hinayana; Bamiyan; Mahaparinirvana; Islam; Mahisasura
Start Date “Period From” Sep-75
End Date “Period To” Sep-75
Extent pp. 8
Item type/Format Digitized
Language English
Remarks Photocopy
Source/Link Afghanistan, Vol. 28, No-2, Serial No. 148
Donor Ashok Deshpande
Donation Date 26-11-2020
Custodian Ashoka Archives of Contemporary India, Sonepat (India)
Right/Copyright Donor