Archives of Contemporary India

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Interview No. 46
III. Prime Minister of India, 2004-2014
(C) Interviews, 2004-2014
PM's post-Budget interaction on Doordarshan News
Reforms; Sustainable; Environmental clearances; Forest clearances; Positive climate; Structural deficiences
222 to 223
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Interview No. 47
III. Prime Minister of India, 2004-2014
(C) Interviews, 2004-2014
PM's interview with Japanese Media
Abenomics; Nuclear Deal; Strategic partnership; Nuclear Energy Cooperation; Economic growth; Eurozone
224 to 227
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Interview No. 48
III. Prime Minister of India, 2004-2014
(C) Interviews, 2004-2014
Prime Minister's interview to Kompas newspaper, Indonesia
Look East Policy; Peaceful; Stable; Bilateral cooperation; Non- Aligned Movement; ASEAN; WTO
228 to 232
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Interview No. 49
III. Prime Minister of India, 2004-2014
(C) Interviews, 2004-2014
Prime Minister's interview to Russian media ahead of his official visit to Russia for the India-Russia Annual Summit 2013
Middle East; Global issues; Strategic partnership; Military solution; Conflict; UN Security Council; Customs Union
233 to 237
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Interview No. 50
III. Prime Minister of India, 2004-2014
(C) Interviews, 2004-2014
Prime Minister's responses to Chinese Media Resident in India, ahead of his official visit to China
BCIM Economic Corridor; Economic potential; Infrastructure; Joint Study Group; Industrial Zone
238 to 240
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