Archives of Contemporary India

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Interview No. 26
III. Prime Minister of India, 2004-2014
(C) Interviews, 2004-2014
India must participate in the solution of the financial crisis- PM's interview in Le Figaro
International Financial System; Value markets; Global economy; Multilateral; WTO; Doha Round
133 to 135
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Interview No. 27
III. Prime Minister of India, 2004-2014
(C) Interviews, 2004-2014
Interview of Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh with Financial Times
Power Balance; G20; Fiscal stimulus; IMF; Capital flows; Financial system; Banking system
136 to 144
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Interview No. 28
III. Prime Minister of India, 2004-2014
(C) Interviews, 2004-2014
PM's interview on the Union Budget to Doordarshan
Bharat Nirman; NREGA; Urban Renewal Mission; Rural Health Mission; Disinvestment; Security
145 to 147
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Interview No. 29
III. Prime Minister of India, 2004-2014
(C) Interviews, 2004-2014
Interview of Prime Minister by EG Weymouth, Editor-at-Large and Senior Diplomatic Correspondent of Newsweek, USA
Strategic partners; Security; Sustained development; Mutual understanding; Weapons; Mass Destruction
148 to 159
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Interview No. 30
III. Prime Minister of India, 2004-2014
(C) Interviews, 2004-2014
Manmohan Singh on Afghanistan, Pakistan and China- PM's interview in Newsweek
Technologies; Equitable; Balanced Global Order; Energy cooperation; Al Qaeda; Terrorists
160 to 164
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